Challenge ET

気になったこと書いてます。English IT


cVim is very useful!!

cVim is Cchrome Extention. We can operate browser like using vim. Most useful things are hotkey of 'f' . When we pressed 'f' hotkey, we can link anchor-tag at any keys press.

I went to usj in winter vacation

Before about 8 month, I went to USJ. It was very very cold that day. A castle of harry potter.

Today is very hot.

From Today, I am writing blog in english. I want to keep long time, and do my best. Today is very hot. I ran 10km, very tired. Next day continue , I am going to run for diet.


よく、「ここはこうあるべき」という話をすることがあると思う。 違う会社の人であれば、それでもいいのかもしれないけど、社内ではこういう言い方はだいぶ無責任だと思う。 確かに、べき論の正論は情報として知っていることとかは必要だけど、 「こういう考…