Challenge ET

気になったこと書いてます。English IT

Continued yesterday, introduce my favorite animation(day9)

I am watching an animation, named Darwin's Game. World of real is like in-game. So have thrilling of killing a human.

I am going to watch anime(day8)

This animation is very interesting. アニメ「空挺ドラゴンズ」公式サイト It's an animation that finds and catches a Dragon. There are many types of dragons, So small and cute, or Big and scared and so on. I will watch it more next week.

Changed hair style today(day7)

Today, I changed hairstyle and color. My hair color became purple. It's a favorite color. Next, I think that want to make it a green color.

Love Lemon sour(day6)

I love alcohol of Lemon sour from a few years ago. The most favorite of Lemon sour is next. 寶「極上レモンサワー」 | ソフトアルコール(チューハイ) | 商品紹介 | 宝酒造株式会社 宝(Takara) is very good brand.

I drank beer and awamori today.(day5)

There was Moai Today. Moai is a regular meeting, monthly or quarterly and so on. So, Of course, drank alcohol. happy party. OK, good night

Very nice cli tool for me. Rename multiple files. (day4)

Following tool is nice!! That tool make us a bit happy. itchyny/mmv: rename multiple files with editor Until now, I was using my original perl script shown next. I can replace it all. Thanks. #!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; =…

Today, I was a poor physical condition(day3)

When waking up this morning, It was very cold today. I am living in Okinawa. it is rare that Okinawa is cold. So sleepy, for that reason.

I could get Google Nest Mini !!(day2)

So, following article. Google、6000円のNest Miniを無料配布中 YouTube有料サービス購読者向け - ITmedia NEWS Google Nest Mini is very good for Youtube premium users. And the sound auality is good for me. YT Music is very nice too. I listen ev…

Try 30 days challenge!! (day1)

I try 30 days challenge, as below articles. Because of I want to speak English. Let's go!! 30 days challenge: write diary in English - @kyanny's blog Write diary in English every day Diary must have at least two lines (two sentences)

Meiji yasuda insurance looks good for me.

手軽な積立保険「明治安田生命じぶんの積立」|明治安田生命 この明治安田生命のじぶんの積立 って保険よさそうだな。。(貯金代わりに)

I moved to Okinawa to live my life.

沖縄に引っ越した きれいだったので、飛行機の中から沖縄の写真を撮った I take okinawa island in airplane. okinawa photo in airplane

cVim is very useful!!

cVim is Cchrome Extention. We can operate browser like using vim. Most useful things are hotkey of 'f' . When we pressed 'f' hotkey, we can link anchor-tag at any keys press.

I went to usj in winter vacation

Before about 8 month, I went to USJ. It was very very cold that day. A castle of harry potter.

Today is very hot.

From Today, I am writing blog in english. I want to keep long time, and do my best. Today is very hot. I ran 10km, very tired. Next day continue , I am going to run for diet.


よく、「ここはこうあるべき」という話をすることがあると思う。 違う会社の人であれば、それでもいいのかもしれないけど、社内ではこういう言い方はだいぶ無責任だと思う。 確かに、べき論の正論は情報として知っていることとかは必要だけど、 「こういう考…


WWDC2013でiOS7が発表されましたねー 以下の記事を見る限りですが、AndroidのUIとそっくりな気がします。通知バーの機能とかその辺も含め。 [ #WWDC2013 ]iOS 7について、知っておくべきことすべて(動画・追記あり) iOS 7のフラットデザインでアプリを開…

Money Forwardを使ってみようかな って思った

Money Forwardって便利そうで仕組みもどんな感じか気になったから登録してみたけど、金融機関の情報はインターネットバンキングのログイン情報を全て入力しないとだめかー。 原則として、取引に必要なパスワード等はお預かりしない・・・ https://moneyforwa…